
I have written about wildlife conservation, climate change, circular economics, and a variety of other environmental topics for BBC, Mongabay, Earth Island Journal, Sustainability Times, and a bunch of other publications.

An initiative in Sumatra leads the way in saving endangered pangolins and slow lorises (Sustainability Times)

The illegal trade in pangolins and slow lorises in Indonesia has gained a lot of media attention, yet that has had only a small effect on combating the actual trade itself. In many areas of the country, these two critically endangered species have gone extinct due to a lack of law enforcement and specialized protection. […]

An initiative in Sumatra leads the way in saving endangered pangolins and slow lorises (Sustainability Times) Read More »

Seth M. Siegel: Let There Be Water: Israel’s Solution for a Water-Starved World

poor African kids

“There are many great reasons to come to the Czech Republic, but going to Moser stores is high on my list.” That’s how the interview with Seth M. Siegel, a water activist and a New York Times bestselling author of Let There Be Water: Israel’s Solution for a Water-Starved World, started. Seth was supposed to

Seth M. Siegel: Let There Be Water: Israel’s Solution for a Water-Starved World Read More »

Willem Van Cotthem: A Professor Who Tried to “Kill the United Nations Business”

profesor botaniky Willem van Cottthem

An 85-year old Belgian professor of Botany Willem Van Cotthem has dedicated his whole life to finding solutions to end hunger and combat desertification. Many of them became hugely successful and helped many people, but none of them was adopted by the international organizations concerned. Why? Read on to find the shocking answer.  When land

Willem Van Cotthem: A Professor Who Tried to “Kill the United Nations Business” Read More »

Robin Maynard: Too Many People on Earth? Why We Need to Have a Hard Talk about Population

Talking about the size of human population has become so controversial that very few people dare to do that. Director of British NGO Population Matters Robin Maynard, who’s seen the world population double in his life, explains why it’s so difficult to discuss demographics, how to achieve UN’s low projection of 7.3 billion people on

Robin Maynard: Too Many People on Earth? Why We Need to Have a Hard Talk about Population Read More »

Staffan Widstrand: We Need to Restart the Love Affair with Nature

Arabian Oryx, Oryx leucoryx

Staffan Widstrand is a world-renowned wildlife photographer and a strong advocate of nature conservation, biodiversity and rewilding. His project Wild Wonders of Europe, which presented the natural heritage of Europe to the World, reached 800 million people and his photos have been published in major media like National Geographic, GEO Magazin, Der Spiegel and many

Staffan Widstrand: We Need to Restart the Love Affair with Nature Read More »

Andrew J. Hoffman: If Climate Change Doesn’t Threaten Rich People, Nothing Will Change

Andrew J. Hoffman

Andrew J. Hoffman je profesorem udržitelného podnikání Holcim (USA) na University of Michigan. Do České republiky přijel představit svou knihu Jak kultura formuje debatu o změně klimatu  na festivalu Ekofilm.  Jak vnímáte změnu klimatu? Máte obavy nebo optimismus? Jsem pesimista, ale doufám. Myslím si, že šance jsou proti nám, ale věřím, že lidé a zejména

Andrew J. Hoffman: If Climate Change Doesn’t Threaten Rich People, Nothing Will Change Read More »

Dan Lyons: Why the Whole World Is Crazy About Startups and Why You Shouldn’t

Dan Lyons

The last company from Silicon Valley that reached a billion dollar revenue and was profitable, was Twitter, founded in 2006. Since then all the other companies like Uber, Airbnb or Snap haven’t made any profit. Yes, you read that right. None. How is that even possible? Dan Lyons, the author of the New York Times

Dan Lyons: Why the Whole World Is Crazy About Startups and Why You Shouldn’t Read More »

Jan Bareš: Begin Today and You Can Change the World, Be a Trash Hero!


Jedno pondělí vyrazil Jan Bareš se svými přáteli na pláž a uklidil ji. Společně s místními obyvateli a turisty týden co týden čistili jednu pláž za druhou, dokud nebyla založena nevládní organizace Trash Hero s kapitolami v Thajsku, Indonésii, Filipínách, Myanmaru a Malajsii. Dnes se nevládní organizace zaměřuje také na vzdělávání a recyklaci. Doufáme, že

Jan Bareš: Begin Today and You Can Change the World, Be a Trash Hero! Read More »