

Nature Solutionaries is a a podcast that brings reproductive justice & conservation together.

I’m Veronika Perková. I’m a journalist investigating how women’s reproductive health and rights, the conservation of nature, and sustainable life on the planet are all interconnected.

Every month I interview people from around the world who are fighting to provide quality reproductive healthcare for women, to protect the planet’s biodiversity and to ensure the wellbeing of future generations.

Nadine Goodman interview

“We Need to Talk”, an interview with Nadine Goodman about things you won’t hear about reproductive justice anywhere else

If we truly want to liberate women, access to contraception is just the tip of the iceberg. We also need to feel comfortable talking about our bodies, our sexuality and sensuality, menstruation, post-partum depression, parental burnout and menopause. Because if we feel ashamed or embarrassed about these topics, we’re still being repressed. That’s just one […]

Episode design - Nabeeha

Should a Vocal Minority Dictate Women’s Futures?

Being able to make decisions about when or whether to have children is among the most fundamental human rights. Yet when it comes to women and their bodies, suddenly so many people – complete strangers – feel they have the right to tell women what to do, like, “Contraceptive use is against our religion! “Abortion is […]